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First-party cookie

...which is how to outsmart Google and AdBlock-type plugins.

Written by Martyna Woźniszczuk
Updated over a week ago

In February this year, Google announced that it would join Safari and Firefox in blocking third-party cookies in its Chrome web browser. You probably know what cookies are, but...

...what does this change actually mean for you, an e-shop owner?

In the case of our tools, this means that

  • displaying product recommendations

  • and functioning of the AI ​​Smart Search engine

will be completely blocked.

Modern marketing tools available on the market, including ours, operate on the basis of third-party cookies, thanks to which they identify the returning user on the shop's website, and also link their e-mail address with cookie data and behavioural data. This allows for displaying each user a tailored offer, advertisements and messages. Blocking third-party cookies or deleting them reduces the effectiveness of solutions based on them, because users are treated as new at each subsequent visit. This, in turn, makes it impossible to know their preferences based on the history of choices and interactions, and thus to optimise the offer and increase conversion in your shop. Add to that the blocking plugins like AdBlock and new above-mentioned regulations – you can lose up to 30% of the sales you are generating so far!

How can you keep your money and knowledge about your users?

You can rely on us. We are one of the first companies on the market that prevent plugins and browsers from blocking the functionality of modern tools, including the recommendation system. You can continue to use our solutions (silnik rekomendacji, AI Smart Search i Marketing Automation) without fear that their effectiveness will drop dramatically.

At QuarticOn, in order to meet the expectations of e-business owners, we have developed a way to effectively and safely bypass all difficulties by expanding the system infrastructure that is waiting to increase sales in the domain of your shop:

first-party cookie.

The implementation of such integration is the best solution to the described problem with plugins such as AdBlock, uBlock, AdGuard, AdMuncher, some anti-virus programs and the mentioned browsers (e.g. Firefox, Safari) that have built-in blocking mechanisms.

The first-party cookie integration does not require any complicated development work. You can ensure the continuity of our tools in your shop and avoid unnecessary stress with one action: changing the domain through which our script is connected to your shop (it is only necessary to add appropriate entries on DNS servers). We have prepared a simple way to integrate the newest solution into your domain. To learn more, read First-party cookie implementation instructions.

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