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An effective product page in 7 steps, part two
An effective product page in 7 steps, part two

Find out tips that will help increase the sales potential of your product page.

Written by Martyna Woźniszczuk
Updated over 3 years ago

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We already know that it constitutes up to 80% of all hits, almost every customer finds it and it is the most clickable and indexed site in search engines, and finally the most important: it has the sales potential. We've also got to know a lot of tips that will make the product page sell more. Today we will present more.

Inform about product availability

Imagine a situation when you found the perfect product at a great price, after which when you finalise the transaction it turns out that it is already sold out. 99% of users will start looking for a similar... in another e-store. Ensure your customers that the product is in stock. The product page is the right place to ensure the availability of the goods, and if they are out of stock: to offer other options.

An advanced recommendation system is a priority

In order to keep the client on the site, you must guarantee them the right to choose. Providing various options is a recipe for the completed order! There are several strategies that work perfectly on the product page:

Similar products

Similar products are those that, as the name suggests, look and function similar to the product being viewed. They appear in the recommendation frames entitled See also the following products. They can have a better price, higher parameters or be more popular. They increase the customer's engagement, encourage to get acquainted with further offer and above all: they suggest other offers when the currently displayed product does not meet all customer expectations (they do not like it, the delivery time is too long, the price is too high, etc.).


Upselling involves selling more expensive products to the current customer. The user is presented with products similar to those currently viewed, but with a higher standard or better parameters. Recently we wrote about how to properly implement the upselling strategy in your store.


Cross-selling is a sales strategy based on recommending complementary products. Its goal is to inform the customers about products that may be needed, but they forgot to include them. For example: a customer who is interested in buying a drilling machine is recommended complementary accessories, i.e. drill bits or a cable detector. The recommendation system not only helps to retain the customer, who instead of going another e-store, will find the right product in your store's offer (similar products, upselling) but also generates higher sales (complementary products). It is the product page that is decisive in the sales process! Use its space as effectively as possible.

However, matching the right strategy is not enough! What additional conditions should a modern recommendation engine meet to fully fulfil its function?

Generating a personalised offer in real-time

The first rule: to provide the right recipient with the right offer at the right time. This rule is based on the innovative QuarticOn system, which uses advanced algorithms based on big data. This allows you to record data about each user's preferences individually and display an individual offer in real time. Only this solution enables the perfect selection of products for the needs of a given customer.

A native interface

The second issue is the appearance of recommendations, which should be an integral part of the site. Recommendations - 100% adapted to the appearance of the store - are not perceived as aggressive advertising but as an additional function that facilitates the purchasing process. The QuarticOn recommendation system is based only on native frames that retain all the features of the page template. By maintaining the basic style of the site, the customers perceive recommendations as an additional function.

Neutral background: wisely organise the layout of the page

The product page should be aesthetic and transparent, and at the same time functional. In other words, it is intended to emphasize the main CTA, i.e. in this case: the purchase of the displayed product (product picture and add to basket button) and the purchase of other items from the offer (recommendation frame at the bottom or right side of the currently viewed product). All other details should not catch the eye of the recipient, and should only constitute a background for the key elements. Remember: the background is only to focus customer’s attention on the purchasing activity and thus increase the sales potential of the product page.

To sum up...

  • The product page is the perfect place to inform about the availability of the product;

  • Focus on an advanced recommendation system that will not only help you stop the customer, but also generate higher sales;

  • Wisely organise the layout of the page! Attention should focus on CTA, i.e. the purchase of a product.

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