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QON API contact synchronisation
Written by Martyna Woźniszczuk
Updated over a week ago


All requests to the API are authenticated by providing your API key. The API key should be provided as an HTTP header named Api-Token.

curl -H "Api-Token: YOUR_TOKEN"

Your API key can be found in your account on the Settings page under the Developer tab. Each user in your QuarticOn CDXP account has their own unique API key.

Remember to keep your API key secret. Do not share it and take care not to expose it publicly in client-side code.

Base URL

The API is accessed using a base URL that is specific to your account. In the examples provided in this documentation, we use the URL as a stand-in for your real account API URL. Your API URL can be found in your account on the My Settings page under the Developer tab. In addition, URL paths should begin with /api/3 to specify version 3 of the API. Generally, the URL will be in the form:


You have to log in into your account on QuarticOn CDXP, go to the page SettingsDeveloper and insert data appropriately:

All API calls should be made over HTTPS.

Rate Limits

Our API has a rate limit of 5 requests per second per account.


The data type of the value stored in the field. Valid types are currency, date, datetime, number, text, and textarea.

Type Name




A short text field

Limited to 65,535. Longer strings will not be saved.


A text field of any length


An integer or decimal number

Number of decimals saved can be defined with the additional scale field. Scale can be set to 0 to denote integer values – this is the default.


A valid ISO8601 date time string (e.g. 2021-08-13T17:51:44+00:00)


A date string in the format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2011-12-23)


A field to capture a single value from a predefined list of options.

Options need to be defined in the additional options field.


A field to capture multiple values from a predefined list of options.

Options need to be defined in the additional options field.


A value containing numbers representing a currency value.

The value is a three-character ISO 4217 currency code. The value defaults to "USD".

How to synchronise contact database?

1. Create a contact

Here are the list of standard fields:

  • email string (required)

E-mail address of the new contact. Example: ''

  • firstName string

First name of the new contact.

  • lastName string

Last name of the new contact.

  • phone string

Phone number of the contact.

  • fieldValues array

Contact's custom field values [{field id, value}]

curl -X POST https://domena_klienta_api/api/3/contact/sync 
-H "Api-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-d '{
"contact": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "7223224221",
"value":"Contact Street"
"value":"Contact zip Code"
"value":"Contact City"


2. List all custom fields

IDs of custom fields are provided in a separate xls document by QuarticOn Team. However you can generate the by executing the following request:

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'api-token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

In the response you will find a Field id in Fields.ID.

3. Update a contact

curl -X PUT https://domena_klienta_api/api/3/contact/sync 
-H "Api-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-d '{
"contact": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "7223224221",
"value":"Contact Street"
"value":"Contact zip Code"
"value":"Contact City"


4. Assigning a contact to the Account or LIST (Consent)

QuarticOn configures the accounts and lists in QuarticOn CDXP panel.

For assigning a contact to the account or list you need to get the Contact.ID.

Please execute the following request to get the Contact.ID based on e-mail address.

curl https://domena_klienta_api/api/3/contacts?
-H "Accept: application/json,
Api-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "

4.1. Assigning to the account

IDs of accounts (there should be separated account per each shop or domain) are provided in a separate document by QuarticOn Team.

Please execute the following request due to assigning the contact to the account:

curl -X POST https://domena_klienta_api/api/3/accountContacts 
-H "Api-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-d '{
"accountContact": {
"account": 1

4.2 Consents; Subscribing to the lists

IDs of lists are provided in a separate document by QuarticOn Team:

Please execute the following request due to assigning the contact to the proper list:

Consent to market communication

Status = 0 Unconfirmed,
Status = 1 Subscribed,
Status = 2 Unsubscribed,

curl -X POST https://domena_klienta_api/api/3/contactLists
-H "Api-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-d '{
"contactList": {
"list": 1,
"status": 1

5. Deleting

Please execute the following request due to delete the contact from the the system:

curl --request DELETE \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'api-token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Webhook – QuarticOn CDXP notifies about contact data change or events

Webhooks provide the ability to receive real-time data updates about your contact.

Choose to receive data based on certain actions (subscribes, unsubscribes, update, etc.) and have all applicable data sent to a URL of your choice. You can then use your own custom script to read, save, and do whatever you want with that data. This is a powerful option that allows you to keep all of your data in sync and opens up the possibility of all sorts of integration options.

With every webhook you create you can choose when it should actually fire. Perhaps you only want to receive data when a contact is added from the API. You can simply specify subscribe as the event and api as the source when you create your webhook. You can specify multiple events and sources for each webhook if you wish. All event and source options are listed below.

We strive to have “at least one” webhook event delivered. There are times that you could receive a webhook event more than once, so it’s important to create an idempotent system.

Adding Webhook from Quarticon CDXP panel

Webhooks are automated messages sent from the system when something happens. There should be at least one webhook configured for the event “Unsubscription”.

To set up webhook please login to the QuarticOn CDXP panel and click:

Settings ->Developer.

Then click in right corner at the top Manage Webhooks.

Here you can find all previously configured webhooks.

Click Add for adding a new one.

  • Every webhook has to be connected with lists – it is possible to choose one list or all lists. The exception is a webhook with creation of a new list;

  • Name – name of webhook;

  • URL – the address, where webhook is to be sent;

  • Type – the events which call out the webhook.

Key events are highlighted with yellow colour:

Webhook can be configured with API:


  • name string required

A name (or label) to give this webhook.

  • url string required

The URL where the webhook will send the POST request when the event occurs.

  • events array of strings required

The event(s) that will trigger the webhook to fire.

  • sources array of strings required

The source(s) causing an event to occur.

The example of webhook request is below:

"customer_acct_name" : "",
"email": "",
"first_name": "jan",
"id": 4,
"ip": "",
"orgname": "",
"id": 0,
"name": "Lista testowa"
"customer_acct_id": 0,
"date_time": "2022-07-18T05:59:35-05:00",
"type": "unsubscribe"

Please find more here:

You can read more about webhooks here.

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