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How to read the report?
Written by Martyna Woźniszczuk
Updated over a week ago

The main advantage of the QuarticOn customer’s panel is offering access to the statistics from the chosen services.

Recommendation engine

In the Recommendations tab in the main view, you can see a chart showing data for individual recommendation frames.

As part of the line chart, it is possible to change:

  • time range,

  • granulation per hour, day, week or month,

  • chart indicator per page views, clicks, sales, products, pieces, CTR or conversion.

The default time range is the last 30 days. In case of any change, confirm it by clicking Generate. Remember that data from the current day may be incomplete, so it's worth to close the report interval on the day before the current day.

When you place the cursor on the chart, a cloud will appear with a preview of the data. Using the Transactions CSV report button, which is located above the line graph, it is also possible to download a detailed report from a selected time interval as a file.

Below the chart, you will find an analysis of data from the last 7 days in four categories: page views, clicks, products (bought) and sales (the amount of purchase).

The table below shows all launched recommendation frames and values for each of them, allowing an accurate analysis of which frame produces the most expected results.

You can set the number of appearing positions in the bottom left corner.

The maximum number of frames appearing in the chart is 100. If the number of frames exceeds the number of items in the list, remember that you can select pages in the lower right corner.

Checking the box of a given frame in the first column will make it appear in the line graph. You can select up to 5 recommendation frames.

Checking the black box Total in the first line will sum up the values for all frames in the line graph.

Individual colours of the frames correspond to the colours on the chart.

It is also possible to sort the data incrementally in columns, i.e. the values ​​may appear in ascending or descending order.

Banners and pop-ups

Created pop-ups and banners can also be found in the Recommendation tab below the chart.

The parameters and rules for displaying results are the same as for recommendation frames.

E-mail marketing automation

In order to check the statistics for e-mail marketing automation, go to the Mailing tab and click Campaigns.

Here, as part of the line chart, it is possible to change:

  • time range,

  • granulation per hours, days, weeks or months,

  • chart indicator per sent, opened, CTR, clicks, orders, conversion, open rate and sales.

Below the chart, you will find an analysis of data from the last 7 days in four categories: open rate, clicks, CTR and coversion.

The table below shows all launched e-mailing campaigns, allowing an accurate analysis of which of them produces the most expected results. The way of choosing positions to appear in the chart stays the same.

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