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JavaScript API implementation - how to manage this?

Find out what stages does the JavaScript API implementation method consist of.

Written by Martyna Woźniszczuk
Updated over a week ago

JavaScript API - QONizer implementation method requires the involvement of our departments and consists of few stages.

1. Sales team

Our Sales Representative will contact you to determine the terms and conditions of the contract and specify the way recommendation frames should be displayed on your website. After sending back the accepted contract, your account is created in the QuarticOn customer’s panel. Then, you will receive the QuarticOn main script, which you should add, according to the instructions provided, on each subpage before the </head> tag. You will also be asked to do:

  • send us a link to a product feed in XML Google Merchant format

  • enable test purchases to verify the correctness of transactional data collection

  • send us a CSV with historical transaction to speed up AI training (if available)

  • granting access to GTM and Google Analytics

2. Implementation team

During the implementation of recommendation frames by the QuarticOn team, we perform the following key tasks for you:

  • we implement the product catalogue,

  • we add frames according to your guidelines and implement them on your website,

  • we adjust the final look of recommendation frames and add filters that will increase their effectiveness.

This stage, depending on the client's individual requirements – affecting the work of the technical department – and the speed of response to any questions, lasts about 2 to 4 weeks. After completing the technical work, your business supervisor presents you the effects of the implementation and, after your approval, launches the frames in live mode. After that, we guarantee a free, two-week period of post-implementation support, during which we monitor whether the system works properly on a daily basis.

3. Business supervisor

Care over you is taken over by the business supervisor, which supervises the cooperation – including its both technical (Helpdesk team) and substantive aspects.

Apart from solving current queries, our support will also provide you with all information about new products and services, which we constantly add to our portfolio.

If you want to find out more about the possibilities of developing cooperation with QuarticOn, contact us.

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